Saturday March 15th 2025 : Open 10am - 5pm


International Advisory Board (IAB)


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  • The IAB’s mission is to help promote the Museum internationally as a privately funded historical museum that raises awareness of the ideas, values and impact of the Protestant Reformation in the world today.
  • The IAB advises and supports the Museum in its communications, marketing and fundraising activities at the international level.
  • The IAB is a network of members with shared values.

Donations to the Museum

The Museum was created in 2005 without any public funding. It continues to rely exclusively on private donors, whose generous support is the Museum’s lifeline.

Donations to the Museum can be made to the following account:

Account name: Fondation du Musée international de la Réforme – Genève
Account No.: S 3257.06.58
IBAN: CH51 0078 8000 S325 7065 8
Clearing No.: 771
Bank name and address: Banque Cantonale de Genève – Case postale 2251 – 1211 Genève 2 – Switzerland

Tax deductions for US citizens

The Museum has a partnership with the US-based Presbyterian Foundation, through which donations from US citizens are tax-deductible. For more information:

IAB president

Brigitte Reverdin

Brigitte Reverdin served as vice president of the Museum’s Foundation Board from 2012 to 2015 and as president in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, she founded the Museum’s International Advisory Board, whose mission is to promote the Museum in key regions around the globe.

Her interest in Protestant history comes from her roots: the Reverdin family were Huguenot religious refugees from France who arrived in Geneva in 1702.

Ms. Reverdin retired from a career in wealth management and is now active in philanthropy and sits on the boards of several foundations. She holds a BA in Political Science from Skidmore College (NY), an MBA from INSEAD and a Certificat d’Etudes Politiques from L’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

IAB members

Jason R. Bernhard

Jason R. Bernhard is president of the Huguenot Society of America in New York City. Founded in 1883, the Society perpetuates the memory of Huguenot settlers in America, commemorates the principal events in the history of the Huguenots, and promotes the cause of religious freedom.

Professionally, Mr. Bernhard is an investment banker. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Jean-Jacques
de Dardel

Dr. Jean-Jacques de Dardel is the former Ambassador of Switzerland to the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and the North Korea (2014-2019). He previously served as Switzerland’s Ambassador to France and Monaco (2011-2014); as head of the Swiss Mission to NATO; and as Ambassador to Belgium. He is also the former head of the division of the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs in charge of Europe, Central Asia, Council of Europe and OSCE.

In 2001, Dr. de Dardel founded and directed the DFA Centre for International Security Policy. He also served as ambassador to the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie until 2000. Past postings were to Paris, Canberra, Washington, Vienna and Bern.

Dr. Jung-Sook Lee

Dr. Jung-Sook Lee is the president of Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul, Korea. She holds a PhD in Church History (Reformation History) from Princeton Theological Seminary (USA) and taught Church History and related courses as a professor before becoming university president. She is widely engaged in advancing theological education in Korea and internationally.

Dr. Lee also led several lecture series for Christian TV in Korea; the most recent one is “Church History and ART” for CGNTV. She is a presidium member of the International Congress for Calvin Research and a member of the executive board of the Asia Theological Association.

Dr. Herman Selderhuis

Dr. Herman Selderhuis is a Dutch theologian. He is currently a professor of church history and church polity at the Theological University of Apeldoorn.

He is also the director of Refo500 – the international platform for Reformation-related knowledge, expertise, ideas, products and events – and president of the Reformation Research Consortium (RefoRC).

Dr. Selderhuis served as the academic curator of the John Lasco Library Emden Germany from 2010 to 2017 and is president of the International Calvin Congress.

Rev. Dr. Thomas
F. Taylor

Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Taylor joined the Presbyterian Foundation as president and CEO in 2010. Before working with the Foundation, he served as the Deputy Executive Director for Mission at the Presbyterian Mission Agency, where he oversaw the operations of the US-based and international work of the denomination’s national offices in over 100 countries. He began his career as an attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah, practicing in litigation with the law firms of Snell & Wilmer and Snow, Christensen & Martineau. He has taught courses and educational seminars for Princeton Theological Seminary, Azusa Pacific University, the University of Illinois-Urbana, and Fuller Theological Seminary. He also served for 12 years as a minister in Southern California and Utah.

Rev. Dr. Taylor holds a Bachelor of Arts (with honors) from the University of Illinois-Urbana, a Master of Divinity from Yale University Divinity School, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Illinois College of Law, and a PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary. He also studied in Germany, where he received a PNdS in German language proficiency from the University of Aachen.

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